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  • Writer's pictureOmran Aburayya

International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship 2024 at Hainan University

Do you have a career in teaching Chinese language and culture, or you have the passion to do so? Are you eager to pursue higher education in China while immersing yourself in its vibrant heritage? The International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship for the 2025 intake at Hainan University offers an outstanding opportunity for an enriching academic and cultural adventure. In this blog, we provide you with insights into the scholarship's benefits, eligibility requirements, application procedures, and important other deadlines.



The Center for Language Education and Cooperation (CLEC) has established the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship to address the global demand for qualified Chinese language teachers. Eligible teachers outside of China can be recommended by various institutions (such as Confucius Institutes, HSK test centers, and foreign educational institutions) to pursue studies in international Chinese language education at Chinese universities including Hainan University.


Scholarship types and qualifications in Hainan University

Under the scholarships' scheme, Hainan University offers various types of scholarships to cater for the different needs of students.

1). One-Academic-Year Scholarship:

  • Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (TCSOL): Minimum HSK Level 3 score of 270, with an HSKK score.

  • Chinese Language and Literature: Minimum HSK Level 4 score of 180, and an HSKK intermediate level score of 60.

  • Chinese Language Study: Minimum HSK Level 3 score of 210, with priority for those with an HSKK score.

2). One-Semester Scholarship:

(TCSOL & Chinese Language and Literature) Minimum HSK Level 3 score of 180, with an HSKK score.

3). Four-Week Scholarship:

(Chinese Language Study) HSK score required. Group applications from recommending institutions with 10-15 participants are encouraged.

4). Scholarships for Online Programs


Eligibility Criteria

All applicants must satisfy below requirements:

  1. Non-Chinese Citizens: Applicants should be non-Chinese citizens with a genuine interest in Chinese language education.

  2. Good Character and Conduct: Applicants must be friendly towards China, have no criminal record, and abide by Chinese laws and university regulations.

  3. Health Requirements: Applicants should be in good physical and mental condition.

  4. Commitment to Teaching: Applicants must demonstrate a commitment to Chinese language education and related work.

  5. Age Criteria: Applicants should be between 16 and 35 years old as of September 1, 2024. In-service Chinese language teachers should not be over 45.

  6. Previous Scholarship Recipients: Applicants who have received a similar scholarship within the past three years are not eligible for the One-Semester or One-Year Study Programs.



The scholarship covers:

  • Tuition Fees: Full coverage for tuition fees, including teaching and management of scholarship students, organizing cultural and social activities, and Chinese language proficiency tests.

  • Accommodation: Free dormitory rooms (usually double rooms) are provided. For those who prefer to live off-campus, a monthly accommodation allowance of RMB 700 is available.

  • Living Allowance: A monthly living allowance of RMB 2,500 is granted to help cover daily expenses.

  • Comprehensive Medical Insurance: Insurance fees are covered according to relevant regulations, ensuring students are well-protected during their stay in China.


Application Process

To apply for this scholarship at Hainan University, follow below steps:

  1. Online registration: Navigate to the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship and register.

  2. Search recommending institutions: and host institutions, select the recommending institutions and choose Hainan University(code:10589) as the host institution.

  3. Submit online application and track the application progress.


Application Deadline:

Make sure to submit your application before the following deadlines (Beijing Time):

September 15, 2024: For programs commencing in December 2024.

October 31, 2024: For programs commencing in March 2025.


Official Links:

For further info, visit the official page:

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