Portland State University (PSU) welcomes students from other countries to pursue higher education in Oregon. As part of their efforts to attract international students, The International Student Retention Scholarship (ISRS), made possible through funding from the State of Oregon. This scholarship offers partial tuition scholarships each year to a number of deserving students from countries throughout the world.
In this article, we provide you with comprehensive guide on how to apply for this scholarship.
Scholarship value
The scholarship amount is $1,500 per term, or the total amount of tuition, whichever is less, for a maximum of 6 consecutive terms. If scholarship recipients graduate while they receive this scholarship, their last term of the award will be their graduation term. Awards are subject to continued funding availability and are not guaranteed.
Eligibility criteria
Undergraduate students (at least sophomore standing): must have been enrolled and completed at least 3 terms at PSU. Must maintain a 2.75 GPA at Portland State University.
Undergraduate Transfer Students: Must have at least sophomore standing, completed at least one term at PSU, and maintain a minimum GPA of 2.75.
Post-Baccalaureate and Graduate Students: Must have completed at least one term at PSU and maintain a minimum GPA of 3.00.
Co-Enrolled Students: Those co-enrolled at another USCIS-approved institution are also eligible.
Applicants must have clearly defined degree goals and demonstrate satisfactory progress toward their degree.
Students restricted to English as a Second Language (ESL) coursework are not eligible to receive the scholarship until they have met the English Language Proficiency Requirements. Pathway students will be eligible to apply f or the scholarship once they have completed at least one term with all PSU academic/major courses.
• Exclusions: U.S. citizens, resident aliens, individuals eligible for U.S. Federal Financial Aid, those paying in-state tuition, recipients of other fee remission awards, and those with Employment Authorization Documents (except through Economic Hardship) are not eligible.
Application procedure
Applicants are encouraged to apply through WorldLink at (https://worldlink.intl.pdx.edu/).
Your application will include:
1). Completed online application form
2). Essay (maximum two double-spaced pages in length) addressing these topics:
A brief personal background
Your academic and professional goals, and how a degree from PSU will assist you in fulfilling those goals.
3). A written statement of your financial support and the circumstances of your financial need. Please include your family’s yearly income in your statement. You do not need to include any bank statements. (Maximum two double-spaced pages in length).
4). Two letters or forms of recommendation dated within the last six months from instructors or academic advisors.
• You can read further important info on this:
Application Deadline:
Fall term: July 15
Winter term: October 15
Spring term: February 15
• Official Website of: