Applications are now open for nationals of Somalia, Djibouti, South Sudan and Eritrea with Bachelor’s degree earned in the past 5 years to apply for Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program to secure a fully funded Masters degree scholarship at university of Gondar, Ethiopia.
Fields of Study:
The scholarship is open for students pursuing Masters in one of the following fields:
Development and Environmental
Management Studies
Gender and Development Studies
Public health
Special Needs and Inclusive Education
Scholarship benefits and coverage:
The scholarship is comprehensive and covers the costs of tuition, accommodation/boarding, stipend and additional program-related expenses as well as support and training programs on academic, financial literacy and social issues with the aim of developing capable and transformative leaders at grassroots and global levels.
Eligibility Criteria:
To be eligible to apply for the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program’s graduate scholarship, applicants must meet the below listed criteria:
1. Earned a Bachelor’s degree in a discipline relevant to their proposed graduate program from recognized University in the past 5 years
2. Earned a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale (or its equivalent)
3. Be citizens of South Sudan, Somalia, Djibouti or Eritrea
4. Male & Female youth with disabilities
5. Female with economic difficulty to finance university education
Application Documents:
The complete application must include the following mandatory documents:
Completed and signed Application Form (Download it from here)
Local administration identification card/passport
All academic records including:
All high school and university transcripts/student copy
Bachelor’s degree diploma;
Bachelor’s student copy (grade report);
Supporting Documents:
Testimonials on economic disadvantage from District or local administration office Principal, appropriate government administrators or previous university.
Medical report on the type and degree of disability, if any
Testimonial about the orphan status from District/local Administrator’s Office, if applicable
Testimonial about voluntary community/school/university engagement and leadership from their District/local Administrator’s Office/High School Principal/previous university
Testimonial about club and association participation and leadership
Testimonials about employment status and salary from employers' office
Testimonial about the status of Refugee from concerned governmental Offices, if any
Testimonial about War displaced status from the concerned body, if any
Application procedure:
You can apply for the scholarship through one of the following ways:
1)Online: Online application through website www.uogqueensmcf.com
2) Mail: Mailing to the program through the program’s mail address: (the University of Gondar, Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program Office, P.o.Box. 1082, Gondar, Ethiopia) include in your mail the filled and signed application form with the requested documents.
3) Email: mcfsp.uog@gmail.com (scanning and emailing all materials)
Official Website: